

网站教程2024-06-16 阅读()

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

'编写:johnsun Email:zjs@dagongbao.com
'语言:ASP+VBScript 转摘请保留版权说明

dim contentA,contentB
if contentA<>"" then
    CALL contentstr(contentA,"1")
end if
if contentB<>"" then
    CALL contentstr(contentB,"-1")
end if

function contentstr(content,direction)
    dim strbig,tstrbig,strsma,tstrsma
    dim b(26),tb(26),s(25),ts(25)
    for i=1 to 26
    if direction="1" then
    elseif direction="-1" then
    end if
    if direction="1" then
    elseif direction="-1" then
    end if
    if direction="1" then
        content=replace(content,""," ")
        content=replace(content," ","")
    end if
    if direction="1" then
        response.write "大写转小写:<br>"
        response.write "小写转大写:<br>"
    end if
    response.write contentstr & "<BR>"
end function
<form action='d.asp' method="post">
  <textarea name="contentA" rows="8" cols="30">
A lady said to her friend that the sun is the most beautiful and useful body。
A gentlman answered:“Yes,Madam,the sun is a very fine body,but in my opinion,it is not so useful as the moom.”
“Why?”asked the lady.
“Because,”replied the gentleman,“the moon affords us light in the might-time,when we really want it,whereas we have the sun always with us in the day-time,when we have not so much meed of it.”</textarea>
  <textarea name="contentB" rows="8" cols="30">
Arctic Explorer Boy:Dad,when I grow up I want to be an Arctic Explorer.
Father:That's fine,Bill.
Boy:But I want to go into training at once.
Father:And so﹖
Boy:Well,I want a dollar a day for ice-cream so I'll get used to the cold.
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

